Para uma crítica sociológica da filosofia moral: uma análise do papel da ética na pós-modernidade


  • Thiago Gomes da Silva NUNES UFPB-UFRN-UFPE


Pós-modernidade, Contemporaneidade, Ética, Moral, Relativismo


Postmodernity is a period characterized by the absolute relativity of all instances of human life, which inevitably reached the ethical and moral realm. In this sense, moral philosophy would no longer have any significant function, since epistemological relativism pass all the yearnings of the unfeasible philosophical tradition, where the Enlightenment movement stood out. In order to address the problem, this research is divided into two complementary moments: first, the attempt to clarify the general aspects that cross the concept of postmodernity, taking as snippet the works of F. Dostoevsky (1821 - 1881). and FW Nietzsche (1844 - 1900), thinkers who experienced the break with the Enlightenment assumptions in the nineteenth century; In the second, we will talk to J.F. Lyotard (1924 - 1998) and Z. Bauman (1925 - 2017) in an attempt to clarify possible ways to revitalize ethics in the postmodern context. Beyond the glimpse made possible by Dostoevsky and Nietzsche in relation to the theme of relativism, Lyotard was a milestone in the studies of postmodernity, providing us with a good orientation within this environment, especially for clarifying how technique and capital took the lead in this. new historical conjuncture. No less important, Bauman made a fairly coherent critique of moral philosophy, demonstrating how his bankruptcy would be linked to the universalist claims has brought with throughout history, suggesting that coming morality could be rethought in the rescue of the true notion of autonomy.

Author Biography

Thiago Gomes da Silva NUNES, UFPB-UFRN-UFPE

Doutor em Filosofia pelo Programa Integrado Pós-Graduação UFPB-UFRN-UFPE (2015 - 2018).


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How to Cite

NUNES, T. G. da S. (2020). Para uma crítica sociológica da filosofia moral: uma análise do papel da ética na pós-modernidade. REVISTA INSTANTE, 2(2), 73–84. Retrieved from