

Realism. Consciousness. Qualia. Explanatory gap. Materialism. Psychophysiological laws.


This paper is a study of the role of realist and antirealist attitudes in the forthcoming revolution in the scientific study of consciousness, more specifically the realism of qualia (subjective qualities). The first stage of such a revolution will be the empirical establishment of psychophysical laws in human beings, connecting brain states with the experience of qualia. One expects that the realist attitude will prevail in studies with humans, which can linguistically report the subjective results of manipulations carried out in the sensorium of each perceptual modality. With non-human animals, the linguistic function will be replaced by the establishment of classes of sensory discernment, expressible through the activation of levers. In this case, the instrumentalist (anti-realist) interpretation should predominate, in which case there would be no psychophysiological laws per se, but laws correlating brain states with classes of discernment. The realistic interpretation of qualia would still be tenable, guided by the establishment of a general theory of consciousness, which would encompass non-human animals, and supported by manipulation experiments on the human sensorium that would allow us to experience new qualia.

Author Biography

Osvaldo Pessoa Jr., Universidade de São Paulo, Brasil

Professor Titular de Filosofia da Ciência no Departamento de Filosofia, FFLCH, Universidade de São Paulo (USP). Graduação em Física (1982) e Filosofia (1984) pela USP, mestrado em Física Experimental na Unicamp, em 1985, e doutorado no Departamento de História & Filosofia da Ciência na Indiana University, EUA, com tese sobre o problema da medição na física quântica (1990). Trabalhou, entre 1999-2002, na Bahia, na UFBA e UEFS. Publicou o livro Conceitos de Física Quântica (Ed. Livraria da Física, 2003). Desenvolve pesquisas em filosofia da física, filosofia da mente e “modelos causais em história da ciência”, além de se interessar por ensino e divulgação científica.


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