The articulation of anxiety and patience in Kierkegaard's philosophy
Kierkegaard. Angústia. Possibilidade. Paciência. Esperança.Abstract
The work has its goal in thinking anxiety in the philosophy of Kierkegaard as an ontological reality, that is, constitutive of the human being, taking as a reading hypothesis that the concept of patience keeps an intrinsic articulation with the concept of anxiety. The register of “anxiety” appears in several of Kierkegaard’s works but gains greater philosophical consistency in the 1844’s work dedicated to the elaboration of the concept in The Concept of Anxiety. We know that the kierkegaardian production moves in the wake of the method’s dialectics of indirect communication. This aims to remove an illusion and therefore the deconstruction that needs to be undertaken through the works targets to achieve two scopes or horizons, namely: the phenomenon of life, of a christian life lived in mediocrity, and the hermeneutic scope or horizon that thinks the concept of this life, that is, the history of philosophy. Therefore, the hermeneutic horizon in which arise the concepts of anxiety and patience in Kierkegaard’s philosophy are located in the scope of non-paradoxical religiosity. Now the importance of seeking to articulate the concepts of anxiety and patience is due not only to the fact that the works are published in the same year but also, or above all, due the proximity of the reality described by the concepts.
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