

Kierkegaard. Faith. Ideal Possibillity. Anguish. Mortal Anguish.


: In this paper which aims to edify those who approach, we will submerge into the paralyzing and illusory form of the repentance present in The Concept of Anxiety, by Kierkegaard: the maddened repentance. This repentance consists of our vain and decadent habit of fighting against life by supposing that it should and could be different from what it was. Ana Prado ilustrate by saying that, in her garden she planted an if seed, but it never grew. Such repentance – one that does not turns into the individual´s freedom, not being able to annul sin, but only mourn for it – is not capable of overcoming the mortal moment of the Anguish, making residence in this state. Through the development it will become clear that habit comes from not letting ourselves be formed in anguish by faith. But what is the faith? Usually the horde refers to faith as a conviction that things in the life will turn out as desired. However, in this work, the faith will trought of as an existential outlook, that in human humus, is in tune with the reality itself. In this faith – transcendent way from desperate to the forgiveness (crossing of giving) – we have the surrender of an existence addicted to plant seeds that don´t grow. In other words, abandoning the regretful interpretation towards the past and present, as well as relinquishing the fear of the future, we can leap into a re-existence that decides welcome existence unconditionally (and with pleasure). Here, then, we will traverse this path of the individual from the maddned repentance to metanoia (true repentance). 

Author Biography

Ciro Prado Pellegrini Villela, Instituto de Psicologia Fenomenológico Existencial do Rio de Janeiro, Brasil

Ciro Prado Pellegrini Villela

Psychotherapist and phenomenological-existential psychologist, coordinator of the Margem Kierkegaardiana research group at the Laboratory of Phenomenology and Studies in Existential Psychology - LAFEPE/UERJ. He holds a specialization in Philosophy (UNESA). He has completed education and specialization in clinical psychology from the phenomenological-existential perspective (IFEN). In recent years, he has dedicated himself, in study groups, to the reading of Kierkegaard, Martin Buber, Guimarães Rosa, Clarice Lispector, Nietzsche, Heidegger, and Fernando Pessoa. He also has a singular interest in Philosophy as a way of life, analytical psychology, Brazilian and Russian literatures, philosophers of physis, Amerindian mythogenesis, Greek mythology, Western and Eastern mystical literature, sacred texts, and the production of literary chronicles and short stories.


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How to Cite

Villela, C. P. P. (2024). ABOUT THE MADDENED REPENTANCE. REVISTA INSTANTE, 6(ESP), 121–133. Retrieved from https://revista.uepb.edu.br/revistainstante/article/view/3292