Liberdade. Ação. Vontade. Responsabilidade.Abstract
In this text, I intend to present, from a Kantian point of view, that is, assuming the premises of Kant's moral philosophy on freedom, an outline of a critique of the Humean thesis that freedom and natural necessity are compatible. Initially, I will reconstruct section VIII of Hume's Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding, entitled “Of Liberty and Necessity”. Next, I will attempt to contest this conception. I will outline in broad strokes both the reconstruction of Hume's thought and the critique of his theory. I warn that this is not a question of promoting a polemic between Hume and Kant in which I would side with the latter. It is merely a counterposition inspired by Kant, not exactly an apology for Kant. Nor does the article intend to promote a discussion of the laborious complications involved in Hume's compatibilist and Kant's incompatibilist theses.
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