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Abstract: When one asks what role Kant’s philosophy plays exactly in Jonas’s thought - if any - the task of providing an answer goes far beyond a simple affirmative or negative answer. In order to do this, it’s necessary to examine, with “the patience that the concept demands”, the problems involved with this connection. To what extent is Kant’s ethics explicitly or tacitly presupposed in Jonas’ proposal for an ethics of the future? To what extent can the former be considered to have been overcome by the latter’s critical observations? The aim of this paper is to take a “first step” towards an analysis and commentary on the interpretation of the relationship between Hans Jonas’ approach to ethics and Immanuel Kant’s ethics. The focus of the paper will be directed especially to the point that seems to me to bring them together and, at the same time, establishes a crucial difference between both philosophers, namely their respective definition of the moral imperative.
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