Practical Reason. Free Will. Categorical Imperative. Goodwill. Value Theory.Abstract
The purpose of this article is to analyze the commandment of duty, namely, the Categorical Imperative (CI) based on the main formulas used by Kant for its exposition. In particular, we will consider the “Formula of Universal Law” (FUL) (and its variant, the “Formula of the Law of Nature” (FLN)) and the “Formula of Humanity” (FH). Given the differences between them, despite the necessary proximity relationship, we propose to establish a discussion between them in order to highlight the importance of understanding, in all its elements, the principles underlying the commandment of duty, an expression of the pure practical fundamental law. My hypothesis is that such an investigation will be possible through the use of three resources. They are: the “test of universalization of maxims”, the analysis of the contradictions allowed by FUL and FLN, and the “theory of value”. Regarding the division of the article, while in the first part we will present the First and Third Sections of the Grundlegung (GMS1 and GMS3, respectively) to offer the reader a basis for further analysis, the second part will seek to achieve the final objective of this research – described previously. It is hoped to demonstrate, with this, the need for a careful and specific reading of Kantian thought, establishing relationships between concepts, works and ideas, and highlighting the role of the IC in the architecture of its practical reason.
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