Psycholinguistic and literary analysis of the parable genre in the biblical narrative of the Lost currency




Parable. Literature. Psychology.


The act of telling stories has accompanied humanity for centuries. Oral narratives perform numerous functions, among which is to transmit some teaching, in the case of parables, allegorical narratives widely used for religious purposes. According to the Christian perspective, Jesus was an excellent teller of parables, using them as a pedagogical tool for his catechesis, so that people could understand his message. The present study proposes to carry out a psycholinguistic and literary analysis of the parable genre in the biblical narrative of the lost coin, present in the Gospel of Luke 15, 8-10. To support our positions, we use the theoretical contributions of Cerqueira and Torga (2013), Junior (2009), among others.

Author Biographies

Ariane Paulino, UEPB

Graduanda em Letras-Português pela Universidade Estadual da Paraíba.

Matheus Kennedy Henriques de Macêdo, UEPB

Graduando em Letras-Português pela Universidade Estadual da Paraíba.


Silvanna Oliveira , UEPB

Doutora em Literatura (PGLI/UEPB). Professora de Literatura (UEPB/ Campus I)


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How to Cite

Paulino, A., Kennedy Henriques de Macêdo, M., & Oliveira , S. (2022). Psycholinguistic and literary analysis of the parable genre in the biblical narrative of the Lost currency. DISCURSIVITIES, 11(2), e–1122215.