History, Woman and Witchcraft: Clarice Lispector in the (Dis)Order of Discourse
Clarice Lispector; Women's history; Foucaultian Discursive Studies; Disobedience; Witch.Abstract
Constantly, throughout history, women who dared to run away from a cast, once given to the feminine, were subjectivized as disobedient and even witches. Thus, they were designated, because they attempted against the time of female use, since they can, they were ingenious and knowledge to others, who are not those who belong to the female sex. Resuming, via discursive memory, these witches, we will evoke here the writer Clarice Lispector, since she went against the grain of sexist discourses and reached places hitherto denied to the female subject. In other words, Clarice burst into the 20th century with other desires for truth, although she was objectified as a witch. Thus, linked to Foucaultian Discursive Studies, we analyze the knots in the discourses, which update Clarice Lispector as a witch woman. To this end, the text will begin with a brief introduction, addressing the issue of the utterance. Next, we'll see Clarice how to follow resistance and disobedience amidst the history of Michelle Perrot women. Finally, we analyze the networks of meaning, immersed in the plots of knowledge-power, linked to the witch utterance, as which will lead us to perceive a Foucauldian premise that an utterance always updates utterances.
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