Polemical discurse on tipping law





Argumentation; Polemic; Comments; Tipping Law


This article is about the discourse argumentation and its aims to describe the way in which the polemical discourse was constructed around the subject of the tipping law throught the analysys of the comments on the website www.jus.com.br and in the private group “vagas arrombadas” on facebook. To this end, the theoretical basis considers the tipping law (BRASIL, 2017; SANTOS, 2017), the concepts of online comments in Paveau (2021) and the argumentation discourse on the polemical modality in Amossy (2017; 2018). Thus, we emphasize that, from a question from the enunciator (@) to the interlocutors (followers of the group/website), the interactions (comments) extend the first speech through diverse plural and contradictory voices that through dissent (controversy) contribute to generate a broader debate on issues such as legality of charging tips and labor relations between employees and employers.

Author Biography

Claudia Cristina Sanzovo, UNEB

Master in Languages Studies at UTFPR ( 2022). Specialist in Digital Education at UNEB (2022).


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How to Cite

Sanzovo, C. C. (2023). Polemical discurse on tipping law. DISCURSIVITIES, 12(1), e1212309. https://doi.org/10.29327/256399.12.1-7