The glamorization of entrepreneurship: an analysis of the transitivity system in women magazines



Systemic-Functional Linguistics. Ideational metafunction. F le entrepreneurship


Taking the Systemic-Functional Grammar’s transitivity system as a reference, the objective of this research was to analyze how female entre- preneurship is represented in magazines that have women as their target au- dience. To this end, a quantitative-qualitative approach was adopted and a corpus composed of the title and lead of ten reports published on Claudia and Vogue magazines’ websites was organized. The analyses showed that the transitivity system plays different roles in constructing a representation for female entrepreneurship in the texts studied. The main results indicated that entrepreneurship is overrated because it is presented as an easy and alterna- tive path to women’s personal and economic fulfillment.

Author Biographies

Cristina dos Santos Lovato, Universidade Federal do Pampa

Doutora em Letras, Estudos linguísticos; Universidade Federal do Pampa – Campus Itaqui/RS

Donna Zdruikoski Ramires, Universidade Federal do Pampa – Campus Itaqui/RS

Acadêmica do Curso de Bacharelado Interdisciplinar em Ciência e Tecnologia


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How to Cite

dos Santos Lovato, C., & Zdruikoski Ramires, D. (2024). The glamorization of entrepreneurship: an analysis of the transitivity system in women magazines. DISCURSIVITIES, 16(3), e–1632406. Retrieved from