Text correction: description of a proposal applied in the initial training of portuguese language teachers


  • Renilson Nóbrega Gomes Universidade Federal de Campina Grande https://orcid.org/0000-0002-3719-1133
  • Williany Miranda da Silva Universidade Federal de Campina Grande


Initial teacher training., Text correction., Video lessons.


This article describes a proposal for text correction used in the initial training of Portuguese Language teachers, aiming to reflect on such pedagogical action based on the treatment given in an activity applied to academics on the Portuguese Literature course at a public university, located in interior of the State of Paraíba. To this end, we seek to elucidate the desire to answer the following research question: what do teaching and learning instructions point to the practice of correcting school texts in the initial training of Portuguese language teachers? In the video lesson “How to correct your own essay”, the teaching instructions given using tips are distributed between study techniques and knowledge of the dissertation-argumentative text genre. To carry out this analysis, we adopted netdocumentary research (Sales, 2014), considering that the investigation took place through the internet, in addition to qualitative research (Prodanov; Freitas, 2013), through the mobilization of a problem arising in the field of language. We are also based on theoretical considerations about text production and correction (Geraldi, 1984; Reinado, 2001; Serafini, 2003; Arcoverde; Arcoverde, 2007) to describe and reflect on the way in which Professor Luma guides students to correct their texts themselves.

Author Biographies

Renilson Nóbrega Gomes, Universidade Federal de Campina Grande

PhD in Language and Teaching from the Federal University of Campina Grande. Professor of Portuguese Language in the Education Network of the municipality of Tenório-PB, as well as in the Education Network of the State of Paraíba.

Williany Miranda da Silva, Universidade Federal de Campina Grande

PhD in Literature from the Federal University of Pernambuco. Full Professor of the Academic Unit of Literature and member of the Postgraduate Program in Language and Teaching (PPGLE) of the Federal University, in the area of ​​Linguistic Studies.


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How to Cite

Nóbrega Gomes, R., & Williany Miranda da Silva. (2024). Text correction: description of a proposal applied in the initial training of portuguese language teachers. DISCURSIVITIES, 16(3), e–1632412. Retrieved from https://revista.uepb.edu.br/REDISC/article/view/3715



