Girls to the final point! genealogies of women bodies in horror movies (1974-1984)


  • Nilton Milanez Universidade Estadual de Feira de Santana - UEFS
  • João Pedro Santos Oliveira UEFS


Body, Discourse, Genealogy, Horror movie


This article is located in the Foucaultian Discursive Studies scope and intend to analyze a specific kind of character that materializes in slasher horror movies: the final girl. This analysis happens under the concept of genealogy for Michel Foucault. The corpus’ analysis follows as a me- thodology, the making of series and their comparison, aiming to identify the regularities in which the characters converge or diverge. The following text culminates on the confirmation of an ‘internal corporal genealogy’ of the final girls, which is set as a genealogy that is respective to each charac- ter’s body inside its own movie, and in relation with other ones.

Author Biography

Nilton Milanez, Universidade Estadual de Feira de Santana - UEFS

Prof. Dr. pela Universidade Estadual de Feira de Santana- BA (UEFS/LABEDISCO)


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How to Cite

Milanez, N., & Oliveira, J. P. S. (2019). Girls to the final point! genealogies of women bodies in horror movies (1974-1984). DISCURSIVITIES, 4(1), 08–34. Retrieved from