Verbal violence in political discursive positions in online interactions
discourse analysis, verbal violence, politics, mediaAbstract
This article has as its theme the study of verbal violence in speeches produced in online interaction. In all human societies, actions of indignation, opposition and violence occur, especially when what is in dispute is power. And the phenomenon of social networks has po- tentiated radical manifestations of force, aggression, and domination over the other, particularly through strategies and verbal expressions that reveal violence. Based on this, we aim to examine forms of verbal violence, especially in discursive practices in manifestations of political interaction, in the media. To focus the verbal violence, we rely on the French Discourse Analysis (AD), on the enunciative-discursive pers- pectives proposed by Dominique Maingueneau, insofar as they value the subject and invest in maintaining the balance between the functio- ning of the discourse and the understanding of socio-historical-political phenomena in circulation in our society. For the analysis, a corpus was constituted, composed of comments to a political speech broadcast by the Youtube channel of the digital newspaper Poder360. The results of the analysis point to the erasure of the subject’s dignity, marked by the conditions of politics in the media that, as an instance of discursive production, triggers a continuous negotiation of meaning effects.
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