Grammar in the classroom: conceptions of High School teachers and pedagogic implications




Grammar, Grammar concepts, High school


We deal with the conception(s) of grammar that guides the teaching of Portuguese in High School. From this, we aim to understand in what way(s) this(these) conception(s) may or may not promote the development of students’ communicative competence. For that, we selected a group of teachers who work with the Portuguese language discipline, in two high schools, located in the city of Mauriti-CE. We applied a questionnaire to the selected professionals, through which we obtained an overview of the conception(s) of grammar that guide their classes. The data obtained were analyzed and discussed in the light of different theorists, such as: Franchi (1991); Azeredo (2000); Trava- glia (2009); Antunes (2007, 2014); Faraco and Zilles (2017), among others. Among the results, we highlight that, in the speeches of the professionals inter- viewed, the concepts of normative and internalized grammar predominate, the latter being extremely important to develop a more productive work with the Portuguese language in the classroom. After all, it is through the conception of internalized grammar that space is opened for working with the language in use – a fact that requires the analysis, understanding and production of the most varied oral and written texts, thus contributing to the expansion of communicative competence of language users.

Author Biography

Maria Lidiane de Sousa Pereira, Universidade Regional do Cariri

PhD in Applied Linguistics, by the Graduate Program in Applied Linguistics (PosLA) at the State University of Ceará (UECE). Temporary professor at the Graduation Course in Literature at the Regional University of Cariri (URCA), Advanced Campus Cariri-Missão Velha-CE.


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How to Cite

Pereira, M. L. de S. (2023). Grammar in the classroom: conceptions of High School teachers and pedagogic implications. DISCURSIVITIES, 13(2), e1322303.