Luta Cruz: corpo Manifesto

Luta Cruz: Body-Manifesto




Luta Cruz, afrofeminism, Chile.


Recognize yourself as a black woman in Abya Yala is a complex procedure that requires, among other demands, awareness of ancestries and historically anti-racist struggles against a whole system aimed at making the black diaspora peoples disappear. Within these battlefields, Luta Cruz was born. A Chilean afrofeminist artist with hirsutism due to several kinds of inflicted violence, which she used to empower herself and promote actions for other women, mainly black ones, do not accept aggressions. This work aims to focus on Luta Cruz, supported by a theoretical background based on Gonzalez (2020), Carneiro (2020), bell hooks (1989), Grada Kilomba (2019), and a video interview with the Chilean afrofeminist Luta Cruz for the YouTube channel “Negra Como Yo” (2020). The main purpose is about presenting the artist and her contribution concerning the confrontation of prejudices and stereotypes over feminism and blackness.

Author Biography

Iaranda Barbosa, Universidade Estadual da Paraíba

PhD in Literature Theory UFPE; Master in Literature Theory (also from UFPE) and graduated in Portuguese/Spanish Literature, from the same institution. She works mainly on the following themes: Fantasy Literature, Spanish and Portuguese language, literature and cultures; Sandwich PhD at the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú.


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How to Cite

Barbosa, I. (2023). Luta Cruz: corpo Manifesto: Luta Cruz: Body-Manifesto. DISCURSIVITIES, 13(2), e1322311.