The construction of cultural identity through language



Identity Construction. Culture. Language.


Abstract ou Resumen: In this article, we aim to discuss how the construction of cultural identity
occurs through language. The text proposes to establish how, using different languages, the same
cultural identity is represented. Recent discussions in the field of Social Sciences address the theme of
identity construction measured by the subjects' linguistic, socio-historical and cultural interactions.
These interactions occur through language, conceived as a set of meanings through which identities
are constantly constructed. The analyzed data will be discussed based on an exploratory
bibliographical research. The construction of cultural identity through language occurs through the use
and adoption of certain dialects, languages, expressions and forms of communication characteristic of
a specific group or community. Thus, through language, people express their belonging to a certain
culture, share beliefs, traditions, values and establish a connection with their cultural heritage.
Therefore, language also plays a role in preserving and transmitting cultural knowledge across

Keywords: Identity Construction; culture; language.

Author Biographies

Maria Thaís de Oliveira Batista, UFPE

Doutoranda em Educação pela Universidade Federal de Pernambuco

Davi Lima, Universidade estadual da Paraíba UEPB

Graduando em Letras Português pela Universidade Estadual da Paraíba

Iasmin, Universidade Estadual da Paraíba

Graduanda em Letras - Língua Portuguesa na Universidade Estadual da Paraíba. 

Evelyne Souto Mendes, Universidade Estadual da Paraíba

Graduanda em Letras - Língua Portuguesa na Universidade Estadual da Paraíba, UEPB. 


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How to Cite

de Oliveira Batista, M. T., Lima, D., Iasmin, & Souto Mendes, E. (2024). The construction of cultural identity through language. DISCURSIVITIES, 15(2), e–1522415. Retrieved from



