Rita’s Women: breaking female stereotypes in Rita Lee songs


  • Edson Tavares Costa Universidade Estadual da Paraíba
  • Ana Karla Marcelino de Melo Universidade Estadual da Paraíba


Música, Mulheres, Rita Lee, Quebra de estereótipos.


Music has always been a form of communication and, consequently, propagation of ideological discourses. From this perspective, to analyze letters is to extract from them what they represent in / of society and their contributions to human life. Historically and in the music world, women have long been the voice that repeated male speech or the voice that did not speak at all. A composer who uses her own voice and shows in her lyrics the ideologies she believes deserves to be studied. Because of this, the present work aims to analyze the lyrics of four songs of the composer and singer Rita Lee. Such songs, written in honor of four different women - Luz del Fuego, Pagu, Leila Diniz and Elvira Pagã -, bring, in their lyrics, the rejection of female stereotypes and aimed at breaking these par- adigms in everyday life. It will be used, as a theoretical contribution, the work of scholars such as Reed (2008), Santa Cruz (1992), Moreira (1975), and Maluf & Mott (1998). The conclusion is that such songs represent stereotype breaks be- cause the women who feature the honors, and Rita Lee herself, are, as people, pio- neers in breaking taboos, and fighting against machismo and feminine obligation. seeking for freedom in every specter of life.

Author Biographies

Edson Tavares Costa, Universidade Estadual da Paraíba

Doutor em Literatura e Cultura pela Universidade Federal da Paraíba

Ana Karla Marcelino de Melo, Universidade Estadual da Paraíba

Graduada em Letras-Português pela UEPB.


BASSANEZI, Carla. Mulheres dos anos Dourados. In: DEL PRIORE, Mary (org.). História das Mulheres no Brasil. 9. ed. São Paulo: Contexto, 2008.

Bíblia Sagrada. Trad. de Ivo Storniolo e Euclides Martins Balancin. São Paulo: Paulus, 1990.

DINIZ, Edinha. Chiquinha Gonzaga: Uma História de Vida. 2. ed. Rio de Janeiro: Rosa dos Tempos, 1991.

FUNARI, Pedro Paulo A. Grécia e Roma. 2. ed. São Paulo: Contexto, 2002.

FURLANI, Lúcia Maria Teixeira; FERRAZ, Geraldo Galvão. Viva Pagu: Fotobiografia de Patrícia Galvão. Santos: Unisanta/São Paulo: Imprensa Oficial, 2010.

LEE, Rita. Rita Lee: Uma autobiografia. São Paulo: Globo, 2016.

MALUF, Marina; MOTT, Maria Lúcia. Recônditos do Mundo Feminino. In SEVCENKO, Nicolau. (Org.) História da Vida Privada no Brasil 3. São Paulo: Companhia das Letras, 1998, p. 367-421.

MENEZES, Thiago de. Uma Mulher Chamada Elvira Pagã. Joinville- -SC: Clube de Autores, 2010.



How to Cite

COSTA, E. T.; MELO, A. K. M. de. Rita’s Women: breaking female stereotypes in Rita Lee songs. DISCURSIVITIES, [S. l.], v. 5, n. 2, p. 23–53, 2019. Disponível em: https://revista.uepb.edu.br/REDISC/article/view/856. Acesso em: 19 jan. 2025.