The northeastern regionalist dramaturgy


  • João Dantas Filho URCA


northeastern regionalist dramaturgy, Northeastern playwrights


It refers to the northeastern regionalist dramaturgy developed from the 1930 ́s Romance. Ariano Suassuna and Hermilo Borba Filho, its main re- presentatives, founded in the 1940s the Student Theater of Pernambuco and in the 1950s the Popular Theater of the Northeast. In this decade the Student Theater of Paraíba was founded. In the 1960s, the theater movement grew in the Santa Roza Theater in João Pessoa and in the Severino Cabral Theater in Campina Grande. In the next decade comes the playwright Lourdes Ra- malho. northeastern regionalist dramaturgy is composed by strong cultural influences, by popular manifestations that bring important contributions to the theatrical and literary scope.

Author Biography

João Dantas Filho, URCA

Doutor em Artes pela Escola de Belas Artes/EBA da Universida- de Federal de Minas Gerais – UFMG; Professor adjunto do Departamento de Teatro da Universidade Regional do Cariri – URCA, Juazeiro do Norte, CE.


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How to Cite

Dantas Filho, J. (2018). The northeastern regionalist dramaturgy. DISCURSIVITIES, 2(1), 28–48. Retrieved from