Undressing the truth to dress well: marks of parresia in the discourse by Esquadrão da Moda



Verdade, Moda, Subjetividade, Parresia


This paper brings a discussion about the subjectivity process and truth production in the fashion discourse, pointing to the meaning function and its effects which exposes the government techniques and sayings operations related to the manner of being of the nowadays subjects. The main goal is to discuss, considering the discursivity brought in focus by the TV program Esquadrão da Moda, the marks of parresia and the work around the truth in promoting the dressing well. Methodologically, it develops a discursive reading that prioritizes a description-interpretation approach. The conclusion points to the strategic work through the production of truth by the fashion discourse that remains associated to the effects of legitimacy and institutional link.

Author Biography

Antonio Genário Pinheiro dos Santos, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte

Professor Doutor da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte – DLC/CERES/UFRN.


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How to Cite

Santos, A. G. P. dos, & Santos, M. G. dos. (2017). Undressing the truth to dress well: marks of parresia in the discourse by Esquadrão da Moda. DISCURSIVITIES, 1(1), 109–128. Retrieved from https://revista.uepb.edu.br/REDISC/article/view/901