Transidiomatic practices in times of globalization and superdiversity: the use of the English language in advertisements in Portuguese
Transidiomatic Practices, Applied Linguistics, AdvertisementAbstract
In face of the globalization process and the huge fluxes of pe- ople, texts, and cultures that has been made possible due to develo- pments in technology, the use of words in English in advertisements written in Portuguese has become common. In the field of Applied Linguistics, these uses are characterized as transidiomatic practices (MOITA LOPES, 2013). This research aimed to collect, analyze, and characterize transidiomatic practices in the surroundings of the EFL- CH campus, in Guarulhos. The corpus was collected through pictures to register real language uses; after that, it was separated in categories according to its themes. The methodology used was qualitative (DENZIN & LINCOLN, 1994) in order to interpret the meanings of these uses based on the concepts of transidiomaticity, superdiversity, and World Englishes. The practices in the context studied involved mainly one or two content words in English in texts in Portuguese constituting hybrid and diverse language uses.
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