Perceptions about academic writing in the context of a Portuguese Language Under-graduation course




Writing. Literacy. Academic genres.


The academic discourse community demands that its members participate in writing and reading practices concerning that environment, such as the production of genres that circulate exclusively in this sphere. Thus, this article aims to understand how undergraduates and professors from a public higher education institution conceive these practices. To this end, we analyzed, in the light of Academic Literacy postulates, questionnaires that were applied together to professors and undergraduates of the 3rd and 7th period of the Portuguese Language Course, from a public state university in the Northeast, with the purpose of investigating the writing practice within the Portuguese Language Course, from the professor’s and the student’s point of view. The results show that the students of the two periods investigated are still insecure about the practices of writing and reading texts in the academic sphere.

Author Biographies


  Doctor and Master in Linguistics (UFC). Lecturer at the Undergraduate Program in Letters/Portuguese, at the Postgraduate Program in Letters, at the State University of Piauí (UESPI).


Undergraduate student in Letters-Portuguese at the State University of Piauí (UESPI). Member of the research group Studies on Language and Portuguese Language Teaching at UESPI.


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How to Cite

Melo, B. O., & Araújo, C. K. . (2022). Perceptions about academic writing in the context of a Portuguese Language Under-graduation course. DISCURSIVITIES, 11(2), e1122205.

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