OF Discursive regimes of university racket: governmentality and constitution of subjects in the struggle





Governmentality. Ethic. Knowledge-power. University Ruckus.


This work is anchored in Foucauldian discursive studies and seeks to analyze how the movement of the meanings produced in the midst of the political and mediatic device of the discursive event of the university ruckus enabled counter-conduct actions, in order to verify how the subjects constituted themselves ethically in the struggle for practices of freedom and demarcated, no resistance movement, displacements of meaning for such an event. In the analyses, we use posts disseminated on the social network Instagram that deal with the event of the University ruckus. The discussion showed that the struggle to defend the defense materializes in the statements in the analyzes of education in the education of the streets and social networks and that inscribe the transforming role of people's lives. The analysis also showed that the subjects assume a critical attitude towards the government imposed on them, configuring the subjects' resistance to knowledge-power relations.

Author Biographies

Francisco Paulo da Silva, UERN

Doutor em Linguística e Língua Portuguesa pela UNESP/Araraquara e pós-doutor pela Universidade de Coimbra. É professor Adjunto da Faculdade de Letra e Artes - FALA, da Universidade do Estado do Rio Grande do Norte – UERN. Professor Permanente do Programa de Pós-graduação em Ciências da Linguagem - PPCL/UERN.

Rafaela Cláudia dos Santos, UERN

É mestranda pelo programa de Pós-graduação em Ciências da Linguagem PPCL/UERN. Tem realizado pesquisas na área da Aná- lise de Discurso de vertente francesa, além de realizar pesquisas na área do Patrimônio Cultural.


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How to Cite

Silva, F. P. da ., & Santos, R. C. dos. (2022). OF Discursive regimes of university racket: governmentality and constitution of subjects in the struggle. DISCURSIVITIES, 10(1), e1012215. https://doi.org/10.29327/256399.10.1-12