The meanings of the social isolation of the Covid-19 pandemic in the narrative composition
Covid-19, Social isolation; Narrative sense; Phenomenology-existential.Abstract
The outbreak that emerged in China at the end of 2019 resulted in the Covid-19 pandemic due to the high rate of transmissibility and compelled all countries in the world to take preventive measures that would minimize the proliferation of the disease and slow the burden on health systems. Therefore social isolation was shown to be the most efficient measure while research in search of the vaccine continued in progress. With great difficulty of people have to remain isolated, the infected rate continued to grow daily, on the one hand because many still needed move to the work; on the other, loneliness, emptiness, fear of death and anguish arising from the temporary breakup of relationships called man to a change of existential posture that needed to be assumed only by him. Hence, we used the phenomenological method of investigation in psychology based on Husserl’s phenomenological presupposition for the investigation of the meaning human’s experience. Thus, the data sample had three participants and the essential constituents found in common were changes, fear of contagion, social relations, implications and resilience. For then, it was possible to understand substantial transformations in daily life throughout the pandemic course, that is, in routine, work, studies, habits, relationship with the other and, above all, with oneself. It was evidenced, adverse feelings such as sadness, anguish, fear, anxiety, fear and dread, but even in such a difficult period it was still possible to find ways to develop sufficient internal resources to overcome the situations.
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