An analysis of the video animation “Confusion with cookies” through elements of Visual Design Grammar




Reading. , Multiliteracies., Visual Design Grammar. , video animation


Information and Communication Technologies ICTs are technolo- gical tools and the daily life of society, since it is through social interaction and information dissemination. Given this, the meaning of their daily lives is different from multisemiotic and verbal texts in different forms of visual and verbal society, with the dissemination of information quickly and intercon- nected with society. Therefore, observe the need for training schools, in their curriculum matrices, to bring forum content into the classroom, in order to carry out multiliterate and interactive classes that contribute to the criticism of students and teachers. In the meantime, the present work aims to discuss the influence of ICTs, from the perspective of the Grammar of Visual Design (GDV), proposing an analysis of the contribution of work with video anima- tions, through multisemiotic reading in the school environment. Thus, in or- der to carry out the research, we will use a theoretical methodology, since an analysis of the corpus will be carried out later. With the accomplishment of the research, it was possible to verify that the GDV contributes to the reading of multisemiotic texts in a critical way, that through it it is possible to analyze signs that are beyond the text, therefore, we conclude that the insertion of such contents seen in the classroom class contributes to the active and cri- tical formation of the student not only in terms of school amendments, but also in terms of social issues.

Author Biographies

Taísa Rita Ragi, Universidade Federal de Lavras

Master's student in the Post-Education in Letters Program at the Federal University of Lavras, MG.

Vanilda Aparecida Belizário, Universidade Federal de Lavras

Professional Master's Degree in Education from the Federal University of Lavras, MG.

Camila Lessa do Carmo, Universidade Federal de Lavras

Graduated in Letters from the Federal University of Lavras, MG.


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How to Cite

Ragi, T. R., Belizário, V. A., & Carmo, C. L. do. (2023). An analysis of the video animation “Confusion with cookies” through elements of Visual Design Grammar. DISCURSIVITIES, 12(1), e1212305.