Discourse representation of Guilherme Santos’ suicide: From exclusion to guiltiness



Critical Discourse Analysis. Representation. Suicide.


This paper’s main purpose is to analyse, based on the Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA), how Guilherme Santos de Andrade’s suicide, a student from Faculdade Baiana de Direito, had its representation built. Understanding the language as a social practise and power instrument (Fairclough, 2001; 2003) and the representations as mechanism to suit specific interests (van Leeuwen, 1997; 2008), we intend, forehead, observe how the representational discourse is related to such prejudice structures addressed to suicide. Based on analytical-methodological, it will be considered the following questions: 1) which elements of that social event were included or excluded in the process of representation and which of them were more salient? and 2) how social actors/groups were represented? (Fairclough, 2003). Our analysis is cantered in the Regret Note, published by the college, what shows its position, as an institution, and that was shared in its official Instagram profile. Furthermore, we also selected comments in that post, made especially by students or ex-students, having as selection criteria those that presents content related to the lack of care of the College to its students, considering their mental health.

Author Biography

Rhaí, Universidade Federal de Pernambuco

Mestre em Letras pelo Programa de Pós-Graduação em Letras (PPGL/UFPE).  Atua como professor de Produção Textual e de Língua Portuguesa do Colégio Decisão (unidade Iputinga) e do Colégio Único. Tem interesse por estudos inscritos na Análise Crítica do Discurso (ACD), especialmente os que reflitam acerca do discurso de representação do suicídio na mídia.


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How to Cite

Rhaí. (2024). Discourse representation of Guilherme Santos’ suicide: From exclusion to guiltiness. DISCURSIVITIES, 16(3), e–1632404. Retrieved from https://revista.uepb.edu.br/REDISC/article/view/1415