Teacher representations: an analysis through enunciation





Remote teaching. Enunciative voices. Representation.


This article seeks to discuss whether there are interferences in the professional representation triggered by teachers of the State Teaching Network of Paraíba, in the migration from the online context to the face-to-face context. This article aims to: analyze the concept of representation that underlies these teachers. For that, we analyzed the answers of these teachers, through an online questionnaire. As a theoretical support, we turn to Moscovici (1978, 2003), when he states that representation is constituted by human relationships, and in this interaction, subjects elaborate functions and behaviors inserted in a context; in the enunciative voices, proposed by Bronckart (1999), when arguing that the voices are entities that declare responsibility for what was enunciated, judging, evaluating and analyzing. The results indicate, in the teachers' speeches, an occurrence sometimes of the author's voice, sometimes of the character's voice, sometimes of the social voice

Author Biographies

Marcos Marques Silva, UFCG

Mestrando em Linguagem e Ensino pela Universidade Federal de Campina Grande

Williany Miranda  da  Silva, UFCG

Doutora  em  Letras  pela  Universidade  Federal  de  Pernambuco. Professora Titular da Unidade Acadêmica de Letras e membro do Programa de Pós Graduação em Linguagem e Ensino (PPGLE) da Universidade Federal de Campina Grande. E-mail: williany.miranda@professor.ufcg.edu.br


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How to Cite

Marques Silva, M., & Miranda da Silva,W. (2023). Teacher representations: an analysis through enunciation. DISCURSIVITIES, 13(2), e1322305. https://doi.org/10.29327/256399.13.2-3