Tatoo - from the underworld to 'art' - practices of subjectivation inscribed in the skin





Tattoo, Art, Subject/subjectivation


In a plural society, we constantly undergo a great adaptive social change. Therefore, in this work, we will investigate, in the discursive practice of tattooing, how subjects break out new ways of seeing themselves and new styles of living. For this investigation, we will analyze Instagram profiles of tattoo artists who were active in 2023. The question that instigates us is about writing on the body (tattooing) as a discursive practice that not long ago fought against the various forms of objectification and exclusion, but which, at the same time, gained bodies through self-for-self techniques traversed by the discourse of art. The theory that helps us is the Foucauldian discursive analysis. The choice is justified due to the fact that she accepts that the process of subjectivation must be understood as reflected and voluntary practices that not only establish rules of conduct, but also seek to transform and modify herself in her singularity, making her life a bearer work. of certain aesthetic values ​​corresponding to certain style criteria.

Author Biographies

Edileide Godoi, UPE

Professora Assistente na Universidade de Pernambuco. Doutora em Linguística pela UFPB.

José Domingos, UEPB

Doutor pela Universidade federal da Paraíba. Docente do Departamento de Letras e Artes da UEPB.


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How to Cite

Godoi, E., & Domingos, J. (2023). Tatoo - from the underworld to ’art’ - practices of subjectivation inscribed in the skin. DISCURSIVITIES, 13(2), e1322309. https://doi.org/10.29327/256399.13.2-6