Descriptive grammar as a starting point for understanding linguistic variations.



Descriptive grammar. Linguistic variation. Language.


ABSTRACT : The central purpose of this work is to analyze descriptive grammar as a foundation for understanding the various plural manifestations of the language. The research focuses on linguistic variation as a systematic cultural and social expression, meticulously examined by sociolinguistics. Specific objectives involve comparing normative and descriptive grammar, highlighting approaches and definitions through illustrative examples. Additionally, it seeks to demonstrate how traditional grammar teaching in schools can hinder students’ linguistic learning and investigate, from a historical perspective, transformations in the Portuguese language, considering external and internal influences on modes of expression and speech. The work theoretically underpins renowned linguists such as Perini (2005; 1997) and Bagno (2002; 2004; 2007; 2009) and other authors with digital materials, addressing language evolution and its heterogeneity, reflecting on users’ linguistic behavior and allowing them to develop their own speech identity. Thus, the adopted method is qualitative and bibliographic. It is concluded that this approach is crucial for understanding language, positively enriching human language, and recognizing linguistic diversity as na integral part of communication.
Keywords: Descriptive grammar. Linguistic variation. Language.

Author Biographies

Priscila Nunes Brazil, UFCG

Mestranda em Linguagem e Ensino pela Universidade Federal de C pina Grande (UFCG), na área de concentração Estudos Linguísticos.

Luana Raissa, UEPB

Graduanda em Letras-Português (UEPB).

Alice Cristine Araújo Costa Santos, UEPB

Graduanda em Letras-Português (UEPB).


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How to Cite

Nunes Brazil, P., Raissa, L., & Santos, A. C. A. C. (2024). Descriptive grammar as a starting point for understanding linguistic variations. DISCURSIVITIES, 15(2), e–1522411. Retrieved from



