Dialogical-discursive reading of online comments about Lula’s speech about Israel in Gaza
Politics, Discursive interaction, Speech genres, Social media, Online commentaryAbstract
Reflecting the notion of discourse from structuralism to interactionism, this article explained the discursive interaction in comments on Facebook, about President Lula's speech at a press conference in Ethiopia; its general objective was to investigate the construction of the discursive interaction present in comments, meeting the specific objectives: a) to describe the enunciative events generated in “discursive guidelines” put into circulation with the theme of President Lula's speech; and b) analyze the phenomenon of discursive interaction on Facebook in comments based on the dialogical relationships and points of view invoked by social subjects in their comments on the network. The methodology adopted was Voloshinov's, considering language over forms of discursive interaction. The results showed the functioning of discursive interaction through dialogical relationships and points of view. We conclude that the enunciative nature of language takes on infinite nuances in favor of the positions and the context in which they are found.
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