The horoscope genre in female magazines: the discursive intersections and the construction of the woman’s image


  • Danúbia Barros Cordeiro IFRN


Análise do discurso, Estudos culturais, Gênero horóscopo


This research aims to analyze the discourse of the horoscope gen- re in different supports, especially in women’s magazines, aiming at the construction of the feminine identity. The research is done from the genre published in magazines, especially those aimed at the female audience, in almanacs and the Internet. We have based on the theory of discourse analysis and cultural studies. As for the methodological aspects, it is a qualitative, bibliographic and exploratory research, aiming to provide greater familiarity with the problem in order to make it explicit. From the analysis, we can observe that the discourse of the horoscope in contemporary magazines is eminently feminine, bringing discursive marks that are building the identities of women.


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How to Cite

Cordeiro, D. B. (2017). The horoscope genre in female magazines: the discursive intersections and the construction of the woman’s image. DISCURSIVITIES, 1(1), 43–67. Retrieved from