The affective aspect in the teaching and learning of english as a foreign language to elderly people
Teaching and learning. English language. Elderly students.Resumo
The present article aims to understand the role of emotion (affective aspect) in the teaching and learning of English as a Foreign Language (EFL) to elderly people. The data of this research were generated through reflective reports and a face-to-face interview with students from the Open University to Maturity (in Portuguese, Universidade Aberta à Maturidade - UAMA) at the State University of Paraíba (in Portuguese, Universidade Estadual da Paraíba - UEPB). We base our study, mainly, on Moita Lopes (2009), who brings the concept of Indisciplinary Applied Linguistics by promoting the study and exchange of knowledge of marginalized groups; Immordino-Yang and Faeth (2010), who argue in favor of the role of emotion in the learning process; Pizzolatto (1995), who presents a deep reflection on foreign languages teaching and learning to the elderly in view of some affective factors that need to be considered, among other authors. We concluded that taking the affective aspect into consideration, more specifically the role of emotion in the classroom, is essential to promote a meaningful, inclusive and learner-centered experience to elderly students.
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