Experience report: Using the Podcasters app on Teaching the Spanish language



Género podcast; aplicación Podcasters; Enseñanza de E pañol como Lengua Extranjera (E/LE).


Abstract: This work presents an experience report proposing an analysis of the gender
podcast in the foreign language class, while highlighting the didactic potential of the application
Podcasters in the context of Teaching Spanish as a Foreign Language (E/FL). Hereby
application, which is currently integrated with the Spotify streaming platform, the student acquires the
ability to create your own podcast in the school environment. The scope of this study aims to
presentation of this resource as a multifaceted pedagogical tool, to be incorporated
to the educational scenario, consequently highlights the development trajectory of this genre,
culminating in its contemporary consolidation in the classroom.

Keywords: Podcast genre; Podcasters app; Teaching Spanish as a Foreign Language

Author Biographies

Isabela Cristina Tavares da Silva, uepb

Doutora em Letras (UFPE); Professora Substituta na Universidade Estadual da Paraíba

Márcia Gomes da Barros, UEPB

Graduanda em Letras Espanhol pela Universidade Estadual da Paraíba


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How to Cite

Tavares da Silva, I. C., & Gomes da Barros, M. (2024). Experience report: Using the Podcasters app on Teaching the Spanish language. DISCURSIVITIES, 15(2), e–1522410. Retrieved from https://revista.uepb.edu.br/REDISC/article/view/3126



