Literary reading in the teaching-learning of French as Foreign Language (FFL): ways of reading and learning by reading




Learning. Teaching., Reading literary, FFL


In the context of teaching and learning a foreign language-culture, specialists claim, and we have equally observed, that reading in a foreign language requires specific strategies, different from those used for the mother tongue. However, many learners do not know their reading habits triggered while reading in a foreign language. Faced with this issue, this paper aims to contribute to the training of future foreign language teachers in the field of teaching literary reading. To this end, we investigated the prior knowledge of eight learners about their attitudes towards literary reading and proposed didactic pathways in stages to enable the learner to perform better during reading. Results of the analysis point to the need for future foreign language professionals to be aware of their acts of reading and their interpretative processes that consolidate learning in the target language.

Author Biography

Rosiane Xypas, Universidade Federal de Pernambuco

Possui Doutorado em Linguística de Corpus (Université de Nantes /UFPB). Tem Pós-doutorado pela Université Rennes 2 - 9ª seção. Atualmente é Professora Associada da Universidade Federal de Pernambuco. Líder do Grupo de Estudos Franceses da Aquisição da lìngua e da Literatura GEFALL.



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How to Cite

Xypas, R. (2022). Literary reading in the teaching-learning of French as Foreign Language (FFL): ways of reading and learning by reading. DISCURSIVITIES, 10(1), e1012207.