Diachronic studies in the training of portuguese teachers



diachrony, Portuguese language teaching , Latin


Diachronic linguistic studies are fundamental to the teaching-learning process of the mother tongue. The absence of a historical approach can harm or limit the analysis of linguistic facts and be the cause of insufficient training for teachers in the area. The historicity of Latin teaching in Brazil, from its implementation to its decline, in national curricular matrices, helps to understand the urgency of its valorization as a requirement for the effectiveness of diachronic studies in the curriculum of Literature courses. This article aims to highlight the presence of Latin in Portuguese through the analysis of pre-selected Latin etyms. Bibliographical research applied to corpus analysis is based on the theoretical alignment between historical linguistics and sociolinguistics, taking into account the abundance of lexical variation found in any living language. To achieve the proposed objective, it was necessary to establish the historical path of each lexicon, taking as a starting point the Latin etymon, which promotes a group of words linked to specific semantic fields, in order to first attest to the spelling of certain words standards and according to the legitimacy of non-standard forms. To clarify these issues, the contributions of Viaro (2013), Bagno (2022), Ilari and Basso (2012), among others, are used.

Author Biography

Rinaldo Brandão, Universidade Estadual da Paraíba

Doutor em Letras pela Universidade Federal da Paraíba. Atualmente é professor titular de Língua e Literatura Latina da Universidade Estadual da Paraíba. Tem experiência na área de Letras, com ênfase em Línguas Clássicas, atuando principalmente nos seguintes temas: Língua e Literatura Latina, Filologia Românica, Português Histórico e Literatura Brasileira.


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How to Cite

Brandão, R. (2024). Diachronic studies in the training of portuguese teachers. DISCURSIVITIES, 14(1), e–1412404. Retrieved from https://revista.uepb.edu.br/REDISC/article/view/3125



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