The story El Almohadón de Plumas in Spanish class as a Foreign Language



Horacio Quiroga. Literatura fantástica. Enseñanza de ELE. Enfoque comunicativo.


The aim of this paper is to discuss the potential of the short story “El almohadón de plumas” by Horacio Quiroga in the development of the communicative competence of ELE students in basic education. This study is linked to Applied Linguistics (AL) and is based on the theoretical precepts of Almeida Filho (1993, 2015), Barreto and Freitas (2005), Brown (1994), and Leffa (1997). The article begins with some brief reflections on Horacio Quiroga’s career and his literary style. Then, an analysis of the story is pre- sented and, finally, a didactic sequence for secondary education based on the communicative approach is proposed. It seems to us that literary text can provide more than reading pleasure and fantasy, since, through it, students can broaden their worldview and develop communicative skills in the target language.

Author Biographies

Ákyla Mayara Araújo Camêlo, UFCG

Mestra em Linguagem e Ensino (PPGLE/UFCG). Professora no curso de Letras Espanhol (UEPB)

Felipe Dias de Albuquerque, UEPB

Graduando em Letras Espanhol – UEPB.


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How to Cite

Camêlo, Ákyla . M. A., & Dias de Albuquerque, F. (2024). The story El Almohadón de Plumas in Spanish class as a Foreign Language. DISCURSIVITIES, 15(2), e–1522417. Retrieved from