Current situation of teaching Latin Language and related subjects in Portuguese Language Courses: difficulties and challenges



língua latina, matrizes curriculares, letras-português


This article investigates the relevance of teaching the Latin language in the training of Portuguese Language teachers, given the changes in educational conception that led to the reduction of this subject in the national curriculum matrices. The importance of the Latin language in the construction of syntactic, morphological, phonological and semantic aspects of Brazilian Portuguese is highlighted. The methodology applied is bibliographically based, descriptive/qualitative, based on a review of the historicity of Latin teaching in Brazil, culminating in the gradual reduction of its workload in the curriculum of humanities/Portuguese courses. The research is justified by the urgency in valuing curricular components related to Latin in the training of Portuguese language teachers, considering how higher education institutions adapted to changes in national curricular matrices throughout the 20th century. In addition to the reduction in the presence of the Latin language, the research mentions proposals for methodological approaches to teaching Latin, considering today's social and cultural demands. Therefore, we seek to understand the historical roots of the transformations in the teaching of the Latin Language to propose strategies that rescue its importance in the training of Portuguese Literature teachers. As a theoretical contribution, the works of Viaro (1999), Ilari and Basso (2009), Sousa et al (2019) etc. are used.

Author Biographies

Rinaldo Brandão, UEPB

Doutor em Letras pela Universidade Federal da Paraíba. Atualmente é professor titular de Língua e Literatura Latina da Universidade Estadual da Paraíba.

Bárbara Hellen de Andrade, UEPB

Graduanda em Letras-Português pela UEPB

Yasmim Normanha, UEPB

Undergraduate in Literature - Portuguese Language


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How to Cite

Brandão, R., de Andrade, B. H., & Normanha, Y. (2024). Current situation of teaching Latin Language and related subjects in Portuguese Language Courses: difficulties and challenges. DISCURSIVITIES, 15(2), e–1522408. Retrieved from